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Rondelle di trascinamento Varie
Con i dischi di scorrimento in carbonio potete facilmente migliorare le prestazioni della vostra smerigliatrice. Per saperne di più
Since we can arrange slip discs for all mills, a particular type of mill may not be listed in the standard category list.
This category is associated with this type of mills. If the mill in question is not on the list, please send an e-mail to info@m2baitandtackle.com with the following information.
Outer size, hole size, thickness and the number of discs that are in the spool, we can then send the correct size discs.
Carbon Slip Discs make it very easy to upgrade your grinder to better performance.
The slip gives a much better responce
The slip gives better performance
Close is also really close with the slip discs. Mainly useful when fishing locked up.
The carbon slip discs are delivered greased, so you don't have to buy an expensive jar of grease either.
The carbon discs do not hold moisture and dirt.
The addition of the carbon slip discs in your spool can therefore not be compared with the orignal discs.
The discs are supplied as a set for 1 coil.
Please note!!! We may know which discs go in for the mills listed below, but may not have them in stock. It is best to inquire first if we have the discs, or if we need to order them.
Miscellaneous category
Shimano Stella 10000F
Wychwood Riot 65s
Wychwood Riot 75s
Shimano Spheros SP5000F
Evo 5500 Airball
Mitchell Mag Pro Lite 2000
Yuki AMG carp
Mitchell Lavo Runner V27500
Spro LCS555 Super Long Cast
Okuma Axeon AXS65
Mitchell Avocast 7000/8000
Shimano Active Cast 11000
Shimano Aero 4000 FeederFA
Sonik Tournos 8000
Shimano Stradic C5000FC
Shimano Twinpower C5000FC
Shimano Catana 4000FC
Dam Quick Z-Base
Daiwa Fuego 4000L
Daiwa Windcast BR55500LDA